New! Third Edition

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I've met many acupuncturists over many years and always wondered:

"Are they really performing the Asian Medicine based on the traditional Asian medicine theory?'

"Isn't their diagnosis based on Western Medicine? Do you really need a western diagnosis when you perform acupuncture?"

Odd thing is that even an acupuncturist mixing western diagnosis with pseudo-Asian medical theory, a patient's pain and discomfort are somewhat relieved. This is actually a scary and mysterious part of acupuncture.

I'm confident that I perform acupuncture based on the authentic Asian medicine. What makes me uncomfortable is that many acupuncturists mix two types of medicines that have the characteristics of water and oil. It is like cooking without mixing oil and water well enough. This is why I decided to write this book. I'd like to raise my voice and say to modern acupuncturists : "GO BACK TO THE CLASSICS!!"

-Message from Dr. Bear

About DR. BEAR

'Dr. Bear', Anryu Iwashina, is a visually impaired acupuncturist known for his acuity with non-insertive needle techniques including contact needling and Teishin (a non-insertive tool and ‘needling’ method from the classics).